November 20, 1982

For the average Soviet citizen, conditions have been deteriorating over the last five years. NANCY LISAGOR PHOTO

Back In The USSR

MOSCOW–At the time of his death in early November, Leonid Brezhnev was being offered a hero’s farewell if he would step down willingly and bring Communist Party politics one step closer to stability. That a smooth transition to party secretary by Yuri Andropov occurred even without Brezhnev’s retirement indicates a prior deal and a dramatic […]

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Frank "Butch" Miceli BERGEN RECORD PHOTO

My Favorite Mobster

I was asleep and the phone was ringing. That was wrong to begin with. Unless there’s a special reason, my wife and I turn off our bedroom phone most nights. We go to bed earlier than the world expects us to, I guess, because if the phone’s on, it often rings. I must have forgotten

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Computer Addition

Computer Think

DENVER – How fast can you solve this math problem: (1 + 2) x SqRt(345.6) ÷ 78.9? That question was the point at issue recently in a “Great Math Race” at the Space Sciences Laboratory of the University of Denver. The participants in the Math Race–it was actually a controlled experiment to compare different computational

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