Picture of Miriam Pawel

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A Union Once Again Woos Underpaid Farmworkers

April, 2007 – Lerdo, California — Ryan Zaninovich is standing in the middle of his vineyard, surrounded by the men and women who pick his grapes and tend his vines. In khaki pants, work boots and his favorite cap, the blond boss has ventured into the fields for the first time in years to talk to workers. Zaninovich is 33 and heir to one of the biggest table grape vineyards in the country. On this early September afternoon, he is sure an organizing campaign by the United Farm Workers is failing. He simply can’t believe a union that has been virtually dormant for years can win over his workers. Zaninovich knows he’s made some big mistakes. Last summer, he forced workers to take medical exams, then fired those with ailments as common as high blood pressure. I’m here to talk about the physicals, he tells the 60 members of Crew #1. An older farm worker speaks up, his voice quivering with indignation: People spent most of their lives working for this company, and they were

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