Category: APF Best

Military Parade in Concepción, Chile. Photo byt APF Fellow Pamela Constable

Crime and Impunity in Chile: Perverting the Law of a Legalistic Land

Item: A teacher is kidnapped by the secret police, and his family files a petition for judicial protection, which is rejected after the government asserts the man is not in custody. Several months later, he is found in a prison camp, recovering from torture. The

The U.S. Supreme Court during Powell’s case. Seated from left: Justice Tom C. Clark, Justice Hugo L. Black, Chief Justice Earl Warren, Justice William 0. Douglas, and Justice John M. Harlan. Standing are Justices Byron R. White, William J. Brennan, Jr., Potter Stewart, and Abe Fortas. Wide World Photos, Inc.

The Supreme Court Decides the Fate of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.

Florida Congressman Claude Pepper huddled quickly with other colleagues after the U.S. House voted to exclude Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. on March 1, 1967. Powell was the first House member to suffer such a fate since 1919, when the House excluded Victor Berger, charged with

Political cartoon Great Puzzles of the World

Equal Treatment Under The Law?

Production statistics collected by the Internal Revenue Service suggest that taxpayers in different parts of the United States do not receive equal treatment from the giant agency. Some of the apparent disparities are astonishing. While 21 out of every 1,000 taxpayers were audited last year

A U.S. Marine is pulled from the wreckage of the Marine headquarters after it was bombed last October. WIDE WORLD PHOTO

Ronald Reagan’s Foreign Service

Once the most insular and sacrosanct of elite bureaucracies, the United States Foreign Service is rapidly becoming one of the most highly politicized agencies in the federal government. The trend did not start under the Reagan Administration, but it has certainly accelerated since January,1981. What

Computer Addition

Computer Think

DENVER – How fast can you solve this math problem: (1 + 2) x SqRt(345.6) ÷ 78.9? That question was the point at issue recently in a “Great Math Race” at the Space Sciences Laboratory of the University of Denver. The participants in the Math