Category: Media

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Street Fighting Woman

February 27, 1973, New York City   On the first of February, 1973, my placid, sweet, pacific lifestyle underwent a significant change. I began my rigorous program of self defense instruction. I am now the possessor of one judo gi, size 3, and my sensei

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The Police the Press and Roseann Quinn

January 20, 1973, New York City   The Night Owl edition, of the New York Daily News for Friday, January 5, 1973, ran the following front page scream headline’: Teacher Victim of Sex SlayingBattered With Statue of Self   Below the headline the News ran

Now that your hair is longer, you need Wella Balsam.

A Word From our Sponsor

November 20, 1972 London   Remember Macrobiotics? The Frug? The Animals? Baba Ram Dass, Millionaire Michael Brodie, and Wavy Gravy? What about smoked bananas, can-you-dig-it, and fa-a-ar out? Do DMT, STP, and LBJ ring a bell? Okay, then, how about lovebeads, RYM-II, the Diggers, and

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The British General Election: Polls, Politics, and the Press

It is a common American misapprehension that British election campaigns are much shorter than presidential elections in the United States. That used to be true and, under certain circumstances, could be true again in the future, but it is certainly not a valid judgment in

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Hungarian Mass Media and its Cultural Emphasis – I

Lerchengasse 28/43,1080 Wien, Austria   BUDAPEST—The number of television sets in Hungary (population: 10 million) has shot up from 16,000 in 1958 to over one million in 1966 and to 1.4 million by 1968. The 1966 figures indicate that there were about 100 TV sets