The Alicia Patterson Foundation
1983 Fellowship Winners

Rita Ciolli
Reporter Newsday
Book Banning and Revisions and Changes in Textbooks in America

Frank Johnston
Photographer The Washington Post
Faces of the 80s in America, a Nation in Transition

Hazel Brannon Smith
Editor The Lexington Advertiser & Durant News
A Case Study of an American Community Newspaper Under Pressure

Susan Stranaham
Staff Reporter The Philadelphia Inquirer
Ghosts of Undone Research: Victims of environmental poisoning and how they have been compensated

Otis White
Writer Florida Trend
How Computers are Changing Work
Photos ©1982 Budd Gray
Judges for the 18th Annual Competition were:
Philip Geyelin, columnist, Washington Post Writers Group
John Herbers, reporter, New York Times
Jack Nelson, Washington bureau chief, The Los Angeles Times
Robert Novak, syndicated columnist Field Syndicate
Sally Quinn, reporter, The Wasington Post
Boyce Rensberger, senior editor, Science ’82 and 1973 APF Fellow
Lou Schwartz, executive editor, Newsday
Helen Thomas, White House correspondent, United Press International
Cathy Trost, editor, APF Reporter and 1981 APF Fellow