The Alicia Patterson Foundation
1984 Fellowship Winners
Kai Bird
Foreign Affairs Columnist The Nation
Diplomats and Politics: A Profile of the U.S. Foreign Service.
Roger Cohn
Staff Reporter The Philadelphia Inquirer
Public Housing in America.
George Johnson
Freelance Writer
Artifical Minds: The Quest to Build Computers Smarter than Humankind
David Owen
Senior Writer Harper’s Magazine
Standardized Testing and American Education
John Strohmeyer
Editor and Vice President The Bethlehem Globe-Times Pennsilvania
A Steel Company’s Battle to Survive
Photos by Ira J. Schwarz
Judges for the 19th Annual Competition were:
Mary Clay Berry, freelance writer and 1976 APF Fellow
Michael Kinsley, senior editor, The New Republic
Jack Nelson, Washington bureau chief, The Los Angeles Times
Robert Novak, syndicated columnist Field Syndicate
Sally Quinn, reporter, The Wasington Post
Robert Samuelson, contributing editor, Newsday and 1982 APF Fellow
Lou Schwartz, executive editor, Newsday
Helen Thomas, White House correspondent, United Press International