The Alicia Patterson Foundation
1988 Fellowship Winners

Wayne Biddle
Freelance Writerv
“Corporate History of Defense Spending”

Suzanne Bilello
Freelance Writer
“The Legacy of 1968 In Mexico's Political Future”

Wil Haygood
The Boston Globe
“The Life and Politics of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.”

Samuel Dillon
Freelance writer
“Government secrecy During Recent Presidential Administrations”

Steven Mufson
Freelance writer
“Profiles of Black Political Leaders and Organizations in South Africa”

William Prochnau
Freelance Writer
“The Media as it Operated in Vietnam and the Aftermath”

Maggie Steber
Freelance Photojournalist
“Photographing and Reporting on Haiti after Duvalier”
Photos by Ira J. Schwarz
Judges for the 23rd Annual Competition were:
Lenoard Devine, APF Fellow 1971 and managing editor, The Washington Post
Linda Greenhouse, Washington correspondent, The New York Times
Willilam Greider, Washington correspondent, Rolling Stone magazine
Stephen Hess, senior fellow, The Brookings Institution
Anthony Marro, executive editor, Newsday
Peggy Simpson, economics correspondent, Hearst newspapers
Betty Ann Williams, assistant managing editor, The Democrat and Chronicle, Rochester, N.Y.