The Alicia Patterson Foundation
1992 Fellowship Winners
Six journalists have been selected for the 27th class of Alicia Patterson fellows. A full report on their projects and background will be included in the next APF Reporter.

Jason Berry
Freelance writer, New Orleans, Louisiana
“Louisiana: Land of Demagogues”

Michael Hudson
Reporter, Roanoke Times & World News
“Business That Target Low-Income Americans”

Gregory Millman
Freelance writer, Plainfield, New Jersey
“How Financial Markets Invented During the 1980s Have Changed Our Lives”

Alissa Rubin
Reporter, Congressional Quarterly, Washington, D.C.
“Abortion: Reality versus Politics in the 1990s”

Marianne Szegedy-Maszak
Freelance writer, Arlington, Virginia
“Transition and Traumas of Privatization in Hungary”

Murray Waas
Contract writer, The Village Voice, Washington, D.C.
“The Rights of the Institutionalized and the Incarcerated in the U.S.”
Photos by Ira J. Schwarz
Judges for the 27th Annual Competition were:
Susan Bennett, State Department Correspondent, Knight Ridder Newspapers
Sandy Close, editor, Pacific News Service
Jose Lopez, photographer, The New York Times
Anthony Marro, executive editor, Newsday
Morton Mintz, investigative reporter and author
Andrew Schneider, special projects editor, Scripps_Howard Newspapers
Mercedes de Uriarte, fellow, Freedom Forum Media Studies Center, APF Fellow 1982
Steve Weinberg, editor Investigative Reporters and Editors Journal; member, journalism department, University of Missour-Columbia