Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns’ new series on baseball, “The Tenth Inning,” features sportswriter Marcos Breton as a commentator for the PBS series. Marcos, along with photographer Jose Luis Villegas, researched Latin American players for their 1996 Alicia Patterson foundation project, “Lost Field of Dreams: The Forgotten Legacy of Latins in American Baseball.
The “Tenth Inning” by Ken Burns features APF fellow Marcos Breton
- Alumni News
Former APF fellow Erika Hayasaki has joined the board of the Alicia Patterson Foundation.
September 6, 2023
Erika Hayasaki Former APF fellow Erika Hayasaki has joined the board of the Alicia Patterson Foundation. Hayasaki is an associate professor of literary journalism at
The foundation notes, with sadness, the death of Adam Medill Albright
April 5, 2023
Adam Albright The foundation notes, with sadness, the death of Adam Medill Albright, 77, the longtime treasurer and trustee of the Alicia Patterson Foundation. His
Dom Phillips 1964-2022
June 16, 2022
It is with great sadness that the Foundation acknowledges the death of Dom Phillips, who was researching solutions to protect the Amazon under his Alicia Patterson fellowship.