APF Staff
Fellowship Title:
Fellowship Year:
Benoit Denizet-Lewis Wrote a Cover Story for the New York Times Magazine
Benoit Denizet-Lewis wrote a cover story for The New York Times Magazine on “Whatever Happened to Teen Romance?” He also discussed the story on NPR’s Talk of the Nation. He has just signed a contract with Simon & Schuster to write a book about addiction in America.
John Margolies’ Photographs Were Part of a State Department Presentation in London
John Margolies’ photographs were part of a State Department presentation in London, where he gave a talk at the Building Centre Trust. He also lectured at the Seattle Art Museum about his photographs from the American roadside.
Larry Tye’s Book, Based on his Patterson Research, was Published by Henry Holt
Larry Tye’s book, based on his Patterson research, was published by Henry Holt. “Rising From the Rails: Pullman Porters and the Making of the Black Middle Class” also had book parties at several train stations, including those in Boston and Washington, which honored several of the porters who were interviewed.
38th Annual Competition Fellowships Winners for 2003
The Alicia Patterson Foundation 2003 Fellowship Winners Judges for the 38th annual competition were: Sandy Close, editor, Pacific News Service Dele Olojede, foreign editor, Newsday Sree Sreenivasan, administrator, Online Journalism Awards and co-founder, South Asian Journalists Association; Columbia University journalism professor Maggie Steber, director of photography, The Miami Herald and APF Fellow ‘88 Ellen Warren, senior correspondent, Chicago Tribune In honor of Josephine Patterson Albright, a long-time benefactor of the foundation, each year one fellow is designated as the Josephine Patterson Albright fellow. For 2003, the designation is given to photojournalist John Margolies. For program information and applications for the 40th annual competition, contact: Director Alicia Patterson Foundation 1730 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 850 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: (202) 393-5995 info@aliciapatterson.org Application materials and instructions may be downloaded from our website at: www.aliciapatterson.org/APF_Application/APF_Application.html. Applications must be postmarked by October 1, 2003.
Donatella Lorch Left Newsweek to Become Director of the Knight International Press Fellowships
Donatella Lorch left Newsweek to become director of the Knight International Press Fellowships in Washington. She can now be reached at lorch@icfj.org.