Marc Reisner
- 1979

Fellowship Title:
- Analysis of the Federal Government's Water Resources Policies
Fellowship Year:
- 1979

The Irony of the Blooming Desert: Our No-Win Water Policy
(First published Feb. 3, 1979 in the APF REPORTER) Three-quarters of a century ago, the United States embarked upon a policy, the results of which would mock its own intentions. Because it has been an obscure policy–or, more accurately, a policy which dwells in that special kind of obscurity reserved for the very obvious–it has managed to continue virtually unchanged into the present day, despite an accumulating burden of poignant and bitter ironies. As one looks closely at the policy and its results, one begins to see striking parallels with our Vietnam experience. Those who were to benefit from the policy have become the losers. What was conceived as a reform measure ended up creating a powerful and corrupt order, which is largely dependent upon the United States government for survival. A landscape — or, at least, some of its most exquisite natural features –has been destroyed in order to “save” a region-at-large. What was supposed to be a great benefit to society has, in some respects, turned into an enormous liability. And there is