Category: Alumni News

Donna DeCesare

Former APF Fellow Donna De Cesare (APF’ 97) Wins Maria Moors Cabot Prize

Columbia Journalism School Announces Winners of the 75th Annual Maria Moors Cabot Prizes for Outstanding Reporting on Latin America and the Caribbean   Special 75th Anniversary Events to include high-level conference on Latin American press freedom    NEW YORK, September 5, 2013— The Columbia University

Donna DeCesare


Fotoseptiembre: Reflejos del mundo – Featuring book signing by photographer Donna De Cesare, a 1997 APF fellow. Join Donna De Cesare with other Austin artists in the Fotoseptiembre exhibition at La Pena. There will be a small exhibition of her work on immigrants shown at

Wealth and Power

Recently published books from Alicia Patterson Fellows

Recently published books from Alicia Patterson Fellows. The Alicia Patterson Foundation is proud to announce the release of four new books from past fellows. Links to the books’ Amazon pages are listed below. Wealth and Power by Orville Schell (APF”80) and John Delury. (Random House).China

Donna DeCesare

Book Release by Former Fellow Donna DeCesare

APF Fellow Donna DeCesare has just released her first book Unsettled/Desasosiego: Children in a World of Gangs. Some of the original work for this book was done during Ms. DeCesare’s 1997 fellowship. The book is a bi-lingual memoir of Ms. DeCesare’s time photographing gang-life in