Category: Education

Gerald Davison, left, teaches and does therapy at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Charles Silverstein, right, is the director of the Institute of Human Identity, a gay counseling service in New York City.

Leaving the Gay Life Behind: Is it Choice or Coercion?

Note: One of the key issues in the debate over the psychological conditioning technology known as “behavior modification” is who should decide what behavior to modify, and on what basis. Critics of behavior modification say that when therapy reaches this point science dissolves into politics

Elías Robles, director of the experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Veracruz at Xalapa, shows a conditioning chamber for pigeons to Dr. Jack Michael, a professor of psychology at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Mich. Robles, 23, completed his master's degree at Western. Western is one of the most thoroughgoing Skinnerian campuses in the United States and Michael is a prominent figure in American behavior modification.

Behaviorism Moves South: The Skinnerian Movement in Latin America

Mexico City — The psychology of operant conditioning pioneered by the controversial American experimenter B.F. Skinner is spreading through Latin America with the force of a crusade. Its strongest apostles are young, activist Latins in universities who want to liberate academic psychology from its philosophical

Bob Elliott, a district manager for the Phillips Petroleum Co., goes over a point with Richard Malott.

No More Thankless Jobs: Behavior Techniques in Business

Ann Arbor, Mich. — David Lebowitz has a problem. One of his supervisors at the large hospital he manages in New York state is supposed to be interviewing new interns after their first six weeks on the job to tell them how they’re doing. The

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Utopia and Recession at the A.P.A.

Chicago — “What happens if tomatoes do have feelings?” a young woman was heard to ask as she and her companion left the Conrad Hilton Hotel. The question was inevitable; just as setting a thousand monkeys to work at typewriters would eventually produce Shakespeare, setting

After it's all over, some more smiles and words of praise from the dentist: "Hey, you were terrific!"

Behaviorism in the Dentist’s Chair

Madison, Wis. — Dr. Victor Wayland is a cheerful man, the kind of children’s dentist who makes you wish you could repeal your dental history and start over with a new set of baby teeth. The fact that he’s sold on behavior modification as a