Category: Education

3 Students

Students in Egypt After the October War

Cairo — Hisham met me in Lappis, the second most popular cafe and patisserie in Cairo, where the young, well-dressed middle class Egyptians — male and female — meet for ice cream and Turkish coffee and gateaus. Tall, with the broad-shouldered physique of a football

Photograph by Hugh Teicher

Immigrants and Schools (Part I)
Old Myths and Modern Realities

Johnny Lo is 16, and he has already been working for three years as a waiter in New York City’s Chinatown. His parents left Hong Kong in 1970 so that their children could receive a free high school education in the United States, but Johnny

Two members of the East Rudolf expedition study a living site recently abandoned by modern nomads for clues as to what remains. Such information can help interpret finds in ancient living sites.

Richard Leakey’s East Rudolf: Desolate Graveyard of Early Man

Koobi Fora, Kenya   On this barren, crocodile-infested spit of sand that juts into Kenya’s remote Lake Rudolf stands the base camp of the most successful early-man fossil-hunting expedition ever mounted. From the semi-permanent grass-roofed huts clustered on the point to catch lake breezes, Richard

Tyonek Store – Still in business and a good investment.

The Tyonek Indian Tycoons Learning the Hard Way

Tyonek, Alaska August 4, 1972   In 1963 the Tyonek Indians, an impoverished, tribe of 200 Athabascans on the shores of Alaska’s Cook Inlet, collected a windfall of $11,671,675. in oil lease revenues. Despite the fact that few among them had much formal education and

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Marcel Ophuls and the ORTF: The Sorrow and the Pity

Paris, France July 31, 1972   Marcel Ophuls quit French state-controlled television in 1968 following an abortive 15,000-employee strike for freedom of information. “I knew the censorship situation would become even worse than it was before,” he said. And it appears that he was right.