Category: Environment

A Japanese Temple Tia Schneider Denenberg

Paying for Pollution: Environmental Mediation in Japan

TOKYO–There is a dark side to Japan’s glittering economic miracle. The brown cloud of photochemical smog that often hovers over Tokyo, the phosphate-choked waters of the Inland Sea and the dying cedars around the Tokugawa Shoguns’ shrine at Nikko are part of the price paid

Zoltan Merzsei, chairman of Hooker Chemical Company.

Trading-off at Hooker Chemical

HOUSTON–The clouds hanging dully over Houston have been trying to rain all morning and the air is clogged with humidity. On top of that, Zoltan Merszei, chairman of the Hooker Chemical Company, can’t seem to shake a lingering flu virus. Neither the weather nor disease,

Bachman’s Warbler

Bachman’s Warbler

Bachman’s Warbler (RED HOOK, N.Y.) –It might have become another snail darter case, the celebrated imbroglio between an obscure fish and a Tennessee dam. The endangered creature in this instance was an elusive South Carolina swamp bird whose buzzlike song is heard more often than

An irrigation waterway, California

The Western Imagination

(CALIFORNIA) — A few months ago I flew over the state of Utah on my way back from Washington to San Francisco. It was a late night in November, and a fierce early blizzard had swept out of the Rocky Mountain States. I had an

Imperial Valley, California

Things Fall Apart

SAN FRANCISCO — The Colorado River rises high in the Rockies, near Long’s Peak in the state that bears its name, and begins its 1500-mile, 12,000 foot descent to the Gulf of California. Its waters are sweet. The Colorado’s volume swells quickly from snowmelt, and