Category: International relations

Children at Shatila camp

What do the Palestinians Want?(II)
Conversations In The Camps

The Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon present a special obstacle to a peace settlement in Geneva; Most of the 95,000 refugees in 15 camps in Lebanon come originally from the northern Galilee or from the areas around Jaffa or Acre on the Mediterranean coast. They

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“The Real Question…Europe’s Security”
VII. Preventing Nuclear War

London, England September 24, 1973 In April 1969, long before the NATO allies had reason to be concerned about President Nixon’s later unilateral negotiations with Russia, Henry Kissinger told a White House visitor that the President believed a “profound transformation” of Soviet-American relations could be

Political Cartoon

“The Real Question…Europe’s Security”
VI. Repression and Détente

London, England September 21, 1973 The Russians who have been struggling most valiantly to liberalize the Soviet system feel that they have become the chief victims of the Soviet-American rapprochement. A visiting American finds them bitter and depressed. They ask why Washington has permitted this

Political cartoon

“The Real Question…Europe’s Security”
V. Interdependence, Autarchy, Ideology

London, England September 19, 1973   West “We’ve achieved strategic parity. But we haven’t achieved economic parity.” This comment by a leading Soviet professor during my visit to Moscow indicates the skepticism among Russian intellectuals about the regime’s management of the ailing Soviet economy. To