Category: Military

The new M40 gas mask has a filter canister that can be used on either side, to accommodate left and right-handed soldiers when firing a weapon. Photo Courtesy Of The Department Of The Army.

The World’s Armies Agree: Gas Masks Are Here to Stay

WASHINGTON-For Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf, it would have been a hellish dream come true-allied ground troops pinned down by Iraqi forces and pummeled with chemical rockets and artillery. At his briefing in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia on Feb. 27, the fourth day of the ground war

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Cold War Resartus

Whether or not the endless winter of menace known as the Cold War is actually over, it already seems bracketed in history. At the beginning was competition between Washington and Moscow for politico-economic control of a destitute Europe, lethalized by the spread of atomic bombs.

Contra soldiers training in the Honduras. Photo by Jason Bleibtrew/Sygma

A Contra Rampage–With Blessings from the United States

The October 1983 attack by U.S.-financed contra rebels on the northern Nicaraguan town of Pantasma was, militarily, a brilliant surprise strike, a classic town takeover, one of the few that the rebel forces ever achieved. It was also one of the single most destructive contra

Contra soldiers during a cease fire in Yamales, Honduras. Photo by Jason Bleibtreu/Sygma

The Contras Murdering Their Own: A Grisly Retribution

In 1983, leaders of the CIA-financed Nicaraguan contra army ordered the detention of four field officers accused of insubordination, graft and murder. Argentine and Honduran military officers interrogated the detained, and then the rebel general staff ordered them executed. With dozens of rebel fighters looking

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From the Cold War to the Drug War

As Moscow’s satellites spin wildly out of control, all the world’s eyes are focused on Checkpoint Charlie, Wenceslas Square, and Europe’s leap into the post-Yalta future. But what about the rest of the world? If the Cold War is ending in Europe, can the Third