Category: Poverty


The Marginal Men

The marginal ten, the wretched stragglers for survival on the fringes of farm and city, may already number half a billion. By 1980 they will surpass a billion, by 1990 two billion. Can we imagine any human order surviving with so gross a mass of

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It’s a Revolution All Right

Rome   May 2, 1971   The disintegration of Pakistan. The collapse of a government in Turkey. Heightened rural violence in the Philippines. Is it mere coincidence that political explosions have followed spectacular advances in agricultural production in all three countries? From the perspective of

Le Temoin, or the Witness, Time Chart of 8,500 Years of Human History.

How Lonely Sits The City – Part II

Le Témoin Suse, capitale de l’Elam, est situe’ dans la province autrefois fertile du Khuzistan qui prolonge, en Iran, la grande plaine arrosee par le Tigre et l’Euphrate. Aussi sa civilization est elle plus etroitement lies a Celle de la Mesopotamie qu’a celle du Plateau

The Citadel and ruins of Susa; what appear to be eroded hills are actually great piles of debris and rubble - potsherds, human and animal bones, shaped stones and other archeological remains.

How Lonely Sits The City – Part I

A Survey in Two Parts of the Human Impact of Agricultural Development from Prehistoric to Contemporary Times as seen from the Village of Shush-Daniel on the Khuzestan Plain of Southwest Persia Contents   Part One: 10,000 to 640 B.C. – Bedouin. PartTwo: Le Temoin –