Category: Religion

Mary Klipp, a retired medical social worker in San Francisco, considers cleaning up God’s Earth a form of prayer. Photo credit: Josh Klipp

Pope’s Environmental Stand Splits Catholics

The ecological concern Pope Francis has sparked among Catholics –and resistance to it– reflect how the faithful are split over the climate emergency, the role of capitalism, and where 1.3 billion global Catholics should put their money and clout. Powerful detractors say Pope Francis’s attention

Our Lady of Guadalupe church in San Diego, CA

Fractured Worship

The small congregation of Roman Catholic women gathered for Mass not in a church but a living room, with a woman presider rather than a male priest. After the homily, each of the women offered a brief reflection.  They took Holy Communion in the form

Women demonstrate in favor of female ordination at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. PHOTO BY SOPHIA GUIDA.

Sign of Catholic Divide – Women Want a Bigger Role in the Church

The small congregation prayed, sang, and listened to readings from scripture as any other Roman Catholics might do at Mass, rendering particular reverence at the moment of consecration, when the faithful believe bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ through the