Category: Religion

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Kahane’s Commandos

On a fog-shrouded road between Jerusalem and Ramallah on the Israeli occupied West Bank, two young American supporters of Rabbi Meir Kahane put on their prayer shawls to daven (pray), then pulled ski masks over their faces, slipped into black leather gloves and loaded a

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The Price of Fundamentalism

New York–During her five-year journey through fundamentalism Laurie Hausman became a born again Christian, joined a strict church, married a youth leader in the congregation, worked as a missionary and had a child. For most of that time her new religion filled her deep need

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Rabbi Kahane

At daybreak on April 1, 1987, a dozen FBI agents pulled up in front of the sprawling East Meadow, New York home of’ Murray Young, a 59-year-old member of the Jewish Defense League. Acting on an informant’s tip, federal agents seized 17 firearms in Young’s

The Rev. Pat Robertson

Christian Politics

SPARTANBURG, S.C.–In 1982, Jan Johnson decided he had a Christian duty to become involved in politics “to help save America.” He spoke to members of his church, Evangel Temple. A handful, including pastor Charles Gaulden, joined him to become delegates to the state Republican Party

Jerusalem Mayor Teddy Kollek.

The Priestly Crown

EAST JERUSALEM: On a cold, steel-grey morning last November, three West Bank Arab teenagers lunged from the shadows of an alleyway in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City and stabbed to death a Jewish Yeshiva student as he walked to religious school. The Palestinian