Category: Social change

Caleb Shields Photo by John Martin

Uncertainty In CERT

LANDER, Wyo.–Five years ago the 25 major energy tribes of the West created the Council of Energy Resource Tribes. With a bravado that soon backfired, the organization compared itself with OPEC, reporting that the tribes owned one-third of the West’s low sulfur coal; one-half of

ONRED staff Photo by Marjane Ambler

Tribal Control

Lorem ipsum dolor sit (NEW TOWN, N.D.) — When oil prices skyrocketed recently and exploration crews began arriving on the Fort Berthold Reservation in North Dakota, the activity was a mixed blessing to the Three Affiliated Tribes (Arikara, Hidatsa and Mandan). With 40 percent unemployment

Susquehanna-Western Uranium Mill

Uranium Mill Workers Seek Compensation

(SHIPROCK, NM) — Grace Begay can’t leave her husband, Steven, 64, alone. She follows him around the house, afraid that he’ll black out again with no one there to help him. As he sits patiently describing his symptoms in Navajo through an interpreter, he holds

Traditional head drum group at a pow wow at Ethete on the Wind River Reservation.

Mainstreaming on the Reservation

(SANTA FE) — Harold Littlebird sits in his wood-heated studio near Santa Fe, New Mexico, drawing a design on a clay saucer, his long black hair hanging down his back. To many people, who have been taught to hold the melting pot image of America

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Spreading The Revolution: The First Task Facing Independent Mozambique

On the eve of independence Mozambique faces almost overwhelming domestic problems: underdeveloped agricultural system, a shortage of schools and health facilities due to the mass exodus of 103,000 Portuguese, a $950 million external debt, and an acute shortage of foreign exchange. Which task gets top