Category: Social change

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New Hope in Latin America: The Church of the Catacombs

MANAGUA, Nicaragua — Among the martyrs in the early Latin American Catholic Church is a little known Nicaraguan bishop, Antonio Valdivieso, who was killed in 1550 by the son of the colonial governor in the city of Leon for refusing to sanction Indian slave labor.

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Brazil: The Church of Tomorrow

“We are the people of the nation.We are the people of God.We want a place on earth.We already have one in heaven.”(interpreted from the Portuguese) A “cry from the soul” of Bishop Pedro Casaldaliga, these lines, written in 1971 in the depths of the Amazon

Lines of worshippers at San Cayetano offer food for the poor. "Don't be afraid of change!" exhorts sign on the right.

Popular Religiosity Forms New Social Conscience in Latin America

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — The first man in the line gave noodles; the woman behind him, a pair of used shoes. Others brought cans of meat and powdered milk, sacks of flour, soup and clothes. Strange offerings, perhaps, in a traditional Latin American Catholic shrine

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Religious Cold War Heats up in Latin America

SANTIAGO, Chile — When 43 visiting bishops and priests were arrested in Ecuador last month, the Catholic Church was stunned. Though persecution of priests and nuns is becoming commonplace in Latin American countries, the arrest and expulsion of such high-ranking Churchmen, including four U.S. bishops,

A common sight at Harding’s Friendly Market in Middlebury

Our America: One Family in Search of a Nation
August 4, 1976

South Hero, Vermont — Here, on this sliver of an island wedged like a wiener between the buns of Vermont and New York, we again attached Lady K’s three-pronged umbilical cord and settled in for a few nights. Our campground was only a short distance