Category: Technology

ohn Todd at the Institute's Solar Ponds and Ark

New Alchemy Revisited

“I believe that for engineers, now is going to be a totally interesting time. Things are going to have to be redesigned almost fundamentally.” John Todd, the 39-year-old founder and co-director of the New Alchemy Institute is talking, over lunch, in a yard of the

Radar domes on the beach at North Truro

On the Beach

Early last winter, two well-attended and widely reported meetings took place in North Truro and in Sandwich, Massachusetts-towns located at either end of Cape Cod-between citizens concerned about the health hazards of microwave radiation and representatives of the United States Air Force. At both meetings,

Photograph by John Fleischman

Lynton Appleberry Linotypist

Scholars may differ but I say that Lynton Appleberry is the inventor of the “Linotypist’s Note”. In 1970, 1 was the editor of my college paper and Lynton did most of the typesetting for it down at the Yellow Springs News. I falsely prided myself

The keyboard of a Linotype-The lower case is the black section to the left, the upper case on the extreme right. In the middle are the figures, punctuation and small capitals. The spacer bands are brought down by the shiny lever just to the left of the lower case "e." The casting lever is the stump in the lower right hand corner. Scattered about on the circular tray to the right are brass mats waiting to be sent up to their home magazine.

A Linotypist’s Notes

Being an Account of a Brief Apprenticeship in an Obsolete Trade On the cover-A Linotype assembly elevator with the gate closed. This is the center of an operator’s attention as the mats tumble down and are arranged automatically in lines. The spacer bands adjust themselves

E. F. Schumacher and President Carter Courtesy of the White House

An Introduction to AT —The Appropriate Technology Movement

Possibly “the most important revolution in human thought since the Renaissance.” William N. Ellis, who from his home in Rangeley, Maine, edits a “newsletter-directory” on appropriate technology groups and activities, made this immodest assessment of his subject in a recent issue of the Bulletin of