Category: Technology

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The Scientist Who Explored the Skies

MT. PALOMAR – Visiting the Palomar observatory in the forested mountains northeast of San Diego is a bit like finding oneself at the foot of one of the great pyramids of Egypt. The scale is so intimidating, so outsized compared to its surroundings, that you

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“Don’t Forget Your Court Date”

How text messages and other technology can give legal support to the poor. It has been three years since the Great Recession ended, but the nation’s courthouses are still swamped with eviction cases, foreclosures, and debt collection suits. If overdue bills and late rent were

McDonnell Douglas’ huge long-range airliner, planned for 1997, would have had its wings built in Taiwan under an arrangement crafted in part by Brock, who now represents the Taiwanese. Drawing Courtesy of McConnell Douglas

Bill Brock’s Global Visions

Former U.S. Trade Representative William Brock and John McDonnell, the chairman of McDonnell Douglas Corp., were talking at a business conference in southern California about two years ago when the conversation turned to the company’s future. McDonnell Douglas, a $17 billion-a-year enterprise, was in trouble.

A semiconductor chip, which technological advances have allowed to be made smaller and smaller. The chip trade is one of the touchiest parts of U.S. and Japanese trade relations. Photo Courtesy of Melgar Photography, Santa Clara, CA

The Quiet Renewal of the Japan Chip Pact

When Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Linn Williams entered the White House Cabinet Room late in May of 1991, he was feeling both exhilarated and apprehensive. Just a few days earlier, he had completed months of delicate negotiations renewing the U.S.-Japanese agreement governing trade in semiconductors,