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Melba Newsome 2023 Journalism Grant Winner
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Climate Displacement for People of Color
Posts: 2
Eric Peterson 2023 Journalism Grant Winner
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Domestic Violence in Utah
Co-Fellow: K. Sophie Will
Keith Schneider 2023 Journalism Grant Winner
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Confronting Agriculture’s Toxic Discharge
Posts: 3
Sophie Will
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Domestic Violence in Utah
Co-Fellow: Eric Peterson
April Zhu 2023 Journalism Grant Winner
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Culture and Power in Kenya-China Relations
Posts: 1
Robert Chaney
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: Playing God in Glacier Park
Sylvia Harvey
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: Investigating Life Sentences
E. Tammy Kim
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: Korean Complicity in U.S. Empire
Betsy Mason
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: How Science Is Changing How We Think About Other Animals
Kat McGowan
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: America’s Invisible Army: The Crisis of 53 Million Caregivers
Posts: 1
James Pogue
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: Forestry and Extremism in America’s Fire Capital
Angilee Shah
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: Punishments Without Crimes: Virginia’s Immigration Enforcement
Ottavia Spaggiari
Fellowship Year: 2022
Fellowship Title: The Undocumented People Stranded in American Hospitals
Anna-Catherine Brigida
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: Mental Health: An Invisible Public Health Crisis
Brent Crane
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: The Silent Scourage: Inside the Fight Against the Global Snakebite Epidemic
May Jeong
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: The Life: Sex and Work in America
Posts: 1
Paul Kvinta
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: The Battle Over Managed Retreat from Sea Level Rise
Dominic Phillips
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: Amazon Conservation: Investigating Positive and Negative Models for Preserving the Rainforest
Kenneth R. Rosen
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: Middle East Inc.
Posts: 2
Joshua Sokol
Fellowship Year: 2021
Fellowship Title: Who Owns the Sky?