Current Fellows

Picture of Susie Cagle

Susie Cagle

“The Unintended Consequences of California’s Water Policies”

Picture of Anakwa Dwamena

Anakwa Dwamena

“Climate Change and Democracy in West Africa”

Picture of Oscar Lopez

Oscar Lopez

“Mexico’s Disappeared”

Picture of Jyoti Madhusoodanan

Jyoti Madhusoodanan

“Human Experiments: Unblinding Clinical Trials”

Picture of Melba Newsome

Melba Newsome

“Climate Displacement for People of Color”

Picture of Eric Peterson

Eric Peterson

“Domestic Violence in Utah”

Picture of Keith Schneider

Keith Schneider

“Confronting Agriculture’s Toxic Discharge”

Picture of Sophie Will

Sophie Will

“Domestic Violence in Utah”

Picture of April Zhu

April Zhu

“Culture and Power in Kenya-China Relations”