Mark Feldstein

New York Times Reviews Jack Anderson bio written by APF fellow Mark Feldstein

Mark Feldstein’s new book, “Poisoning the Press: Richard Nixon, Jack Anderson, and the Rise of Washington’s Scandal Culture” (Farrar, Straus & Giroux) was reviewed in the Books of the Times. An earlier Washington Post profile was written by Howard Kurtz. A 2009 Alicia Patterson Fellowship provided research funds for Mark.

The “Tenth Inning” by Ken Burns features APF fellow Marcos Breton

Documentary filmmaker Ken Burns’ new series on baseball, “The Tenth Inning,” features sportswriter Marcos Breton as a commentator for the PBS series. Marcos, along with photographer Jose Luis Villegas, researched Latin American players for their 1996 Alicia Patterson foundation project, “Lost Field of Dreams: The Forgotten Legacy of Latins in

Jim Nachtwey, Was Nominated This Year For An Oscar Award

“War Photographer,” a documentary film on JIM NACHTWEY, was nominated this year for an Oscar award in the documentary feature category. Film director Christian Frei followed Jim as he shot images in South Africa, Somalia and Kosovo, using a micro-camera attached to Jim’s camera. The film also was shown on

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