Category: Energy

Keeping up with the Carter administration.

Blackouts: Eclipsing Energy Information

WASHINGTON, D.C.–As the country struggles with the energy dilemma, something vital to the task keeps getting stolen: information. The culprit is the executive branch of the federal government, which for the past several years has repeatedly acted as a censor and crude propagandist in energy

Barrels of toxic waste — Montague, Michigan. Michigan Department of Natural Resources

Cost-efficient Contamination

MONTAGUE, Mich.–The town of Montague, Michigan, sits up against the rolling bluffs of White Lake, hundreds of miles from the industrial centers of Detroit and Chicago. Every springtime, sap from the sugar maples runs like rainshowers and the lake is fat with perch and bass.


A Crisis of Oil Information

WASHINGTON, D.C.–During the puzzling oil crisis of 1979, while oil companies and their critics argued over the reasons for gas lines and soaring prices, one little known public official, Dr. Joachim W. Koenig, had more inside information about what was going on than anyone else

Arapahoe-Shoshone Business Councilmen were elated at the prices some tracts brought during a recent oil auction.

Making Peace Between Tribes and Energy Lords

(LANDER, WY) — After several months of negotiation, Tesoro Petroleum reluctantly agreed to most of the Blackfeet Tribe’s demands for financial return and tribal control over oil development. While Tesoro officials knew they risked the wrath of other companies for setting such a precedent, they

Jerry Brown

Interview on Energy with Governor Brown: The Path Now Taken?

“Jerry Brown vs. Jimmy Carter: Taking Different Paths to the Future.” That’s the headline in a recent issue of an anti-nuclear periodical called Critical Mass Journal. A lengthy sub-head reads in part: “California’s Gov. Jerry Brown is leading his state down the soft path. Carter