Category: Health

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“Vox Pop” on a Theory in Labor (IV)

My last three newsletters have discussed reader reaction to a preliminary article called “Catch-30 and Other Predictable Crises of Growing UP Adult” (New York Magazine, Feb. 18, 1974). The article advanced some controversial speculations: People do not fully outgrow their parents until well into their

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“Vox Pop” on a Theory in Labor (III)

Most of us are utterly convinced, in our 20s, that all our notions spring full bloom as if by magic from our own unique selves. My last newsletter described the reactions from people in this age group to ideas about adult development I had advanced

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“Vox Pop” on a Theory in Labor (II)

My earlier newsletter described some of the mail generated by the adult development theory being researched under the auspices of the Alicia Patterson Foundation. As the letters continued to pour in after a preliminary article appeared I was fascinated to be able to detect the

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“Vox Pop” on a Theory in Labor (I)

Releasing bits and pieces of a new theory in progress is hazardous. It stimulates the pounce reflex in television producers, talk show hosts and documentary filmmakers. They all want to do an in-depth interview now. “It will only take a day of your time.” Lecture