Category: Health

The aged in particular observe this annual pilgrimage to the island of Kusu, an hour's boat ride from Singapore. Legend says Tua Pek Kong; the god of prosperity once performed a miracle here. The island itself is not much bigger than the temple and worshippers come with offerings of chicken, pink dyed eggs, fruits and flowers and pray for luck, health and prosperity.

The Aged In Singapore: Veneration Collides With The 20th Century

Singapore December, 1971 If you have the feeling Big Sister up there is watching you, she is. She also has her eye on the Pheng family and recently signified her approval to granddaughter Swee Lan’s marriage. Last week, everyone turned out for her birthday party.

Sign at legalized abortion rally reads, "Medical men are henchmen of a reactionary sexual politics."

ACTION 218: Power and Morality

(abortion campaign in West Germany)   West Berlin, January, 1971   Photos used in this article courtesy of Frank-Michael Urban, West Berlin. Sign at legalized abortion rally reads, “Medical men are henchmen of a reactionary sexual politics.” “They say this law is the last wall

Women and men chatting

The Aged In India: Myth and Despotic Mother-In-Laws

New Delhi, India   December, 1971 It was King Yayati, according to Indian epic, who borrowed his son’s youth for 1,000 years, only to return it willingly. “What I have realized,” he said, “is that there is no end to desire. Gold, cattle, women and

In Poland, there are no handouts for the unproductive, not even if aged. One works at any job. Above, selling obwarzanki or hot pretzels; or farm products at the Wroclaw market. Below, a great-grandmother still baby-sits; an aged Mona Lisa cleans government offices; and one old-timer has a shoe-polish concession at the Hotel Bristol, Warsaw.

The Aged In Poland: God and Worn-Out Babcias

A peasant from Cracow kneels transfixed before the bejeweled altar portrait of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa. Her black-babushka-covered head is one of hundreds bowed toward the revered icon-purportedly painted by St. Luke and possessing miraculous powers. Scores of pilgrims stream to this Polish Lourdes

Mrs. Gagliardi and her son, Dr. Mario

The Aged In Italy: Mamma and the Spiritual Umbilical Cord

It is known as the land of momism. As the home of Oedipus, the sacrificing mamma and the brooding mother hen. One talks of a cocoon of maternal over protectiveness. Simply said, Italy is “la mamma.” Whether she is 45 or 70, the mother commands