Category: Religion

Ben Ezra Synagogue — Cairo — 12th Century AD

The Jews of Egypt

Looking Backwards   The Jewish cemetery in Alexandria lay silent as I walked down its middle, the quiet broken only by the occasional bark of several vicious-looking guard dogs chained to rocks along the path. The language on the gravestones changed from one to the

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Shabbath is Not Just for the Beach

“The major problem in Israeli society has nothing to do with the Arabs and Jews or Oriental and Western Jews: it is the Orthodox Jews and the rest of us,” a Jerusalemite, a Jew, recently declared. Although only twelve percent of the population is Orthodox

The Marginal Men

The marginal ten, the wretched stragglers for survival on the fringes of farm and city, may already number half a billion. By 1980 they will surpass a billion, by 1990 two billion. Can we imagine any human order surviving with so gross a mass of


Obituary for a People: The Jews of Tunisia III

June, 1971 Am Ajjai Fi Jerushalim…Lshanah Habah Byerushalaim…Next Year In Jerusalem* *From the Haggadah , the prayer book read during the Jewish holiday of Passover in Judeo-Arabic, Hebrew, and English. “Isolated communities…in Southern Tunisia and in particular in the island of Djerba, which was cut

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It’s a Revolution All Right

Rome   May 2, 1971   The disintegration of Pakistan. The collapse of a government in Turkey. Heightened rural violence in the Philippines. Is it mere coincidence that political explosions have followed spectacular advances in agricultural production in all three countries? From the perspective of