Category: Social change

The Arab World - map

A Clash of Cultures

Gamal Rasmi slumped into his chair and glanced about the dance floor, his fingers tapping a nervous beat on the table top. The Playboy Disco, one of Cairo’s most popular night spots, was nearly full but he recognized not a soul. “I used to know

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A Road For Rhenigidale

The village sits on the westernmost reaches of Europe, perched at the mouth of a loch (or fjord) on one of Scotland’s smaller islands; the Isle of Harris. The island is bleak, brown, chill and windy. In the village itself there are no stores, movie

Jean Claude Cibenel of the Distillerie Cooperative of Cuxac.

The Failure of Plenty

It’s hard to find a better potato farmer in Southwest France than Jose Sanchez. He started from scratch ten years ago on about five acres of land, tearing up cypress wind barriers and planting new ones, filling in gulches with cart loads of dirt to

Pepe Lopez’s mother and father in front of the stable.

The Modernization of Pepe Lopez

SANGUINEDO, Spain–Depending on how you look at it, Pepe Lopez came to farming by accident or by inescapable destiny. The accident was that he was caught without work papers and deported from Switzerland ten years ago. Destiny was waiting for him in the beautiful and

Chellene Koon, 26, and her fellow workers have just completed the night shift at Blacksville #1 Coal Mine near Rivesville, West Virginia.

Faces of the 80s

Photographs and Text By Frank Johnston Women have been working in the coal mines for approximately a decade. Chellene Koon, 26, and her fellow workers have just completed the night shift at Blacksville #1 Coal Mine near Rivesville, West Virginia. Chellene has worked as a