Category: Social change

Family of William and Farina Gregg. James, age 8, at center. Copied from an ambrotype taken in 1845.

Manufacturing Princes

“The real ruling class could not be put in question, so they were seen as temporarily absent, or as the good old people succeeded by the bad new people — themselves succeeding themselves. We have heard this sad song for many centuries now, a seductive

Alan Paton: “The Long View”

Dr. Alan Paton, noted author, columnist and politician, has been a leading advocate of change in South Africa’s racial laws for 50 years, perhaps the longest and loudest voice of opposition throughout that volatile period. Although this is an era heralded for detente and a

President Machel and China's Chou En lai: China and Mozambique are close political allies, but South Africa is just as important an economic ally.

Independent Mozambique: Behind the Rhetoric, the Program is Pragmatic

The waiting and speculation is over. The southeast African nation of Mozambique, under colonial rule almost 500 years, became independent on June 25. The new government is now able to act on its platforms and promises. During its 13 years of political development and the

Alphabetization: Key to Literacy and Political Awareness in Mozambique

Alphabetization: Key to Literacy and Political Awareness in Mozambique

One of the greatest obstacles to national development throughout sub-Sahara Africa is illiteracy. Low levels of education prevent contact between government and the masses, the transmission of better techniques for agriculture and production, and realization of national goals and priorities. Upon independence on June 25,

"Frelimo Is For The People" These whites wonder if that includes the Portugese

White Faces in a Black Crowd: Will They Stay?

Portugal was the first colonial power in Africa, dating back almost 500 years. With the independence of its three African colonies — Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique and Angola — this year it will be the last major colonial power to leave. But the break does not end