Category: Social change

Cumbernauld and its famous town center.

The Disappointing New Towns of Great Britain

Straddling a divided four-lane highway on a windy hilltop northeast of Glasgow is a chaotic architectural montage of interconnected buildings and passages of various sizes, shapes and colors that has become internationally famous: the all-in-one city center of the new town of Cumbernauld. The irregular

Ibiza Harbor

Being Old and Hip & Broke on Ibiza

Tim sits guzzling cheap beer down by the docks on Ibiza. He’s 57, sun-burned to a ripe mahagony, and keeps brushing shoulder-length gray hair from the tangle of his full, white beard. Otherwise he sits in total repose, only his mouth moving in clipped Cockney

Elisabeth, Phillippe, Claire and Isabelle

Snif!: A Comic Commune

September 28, 1972 Ibiza, Spain   The big blue van, a smear of dust and dents and rust, jerked into the central square of Santa Eulalia, back-fired and clattered to a stop. Slowly, its back-doors opened, groaning on ancient hinges. And then, tentatively, putting one

London, England

Embattled London

London, England   July, 1972   Centre Point and the Office Block ScandalsNew Piccadilly Circus PlanSave Covent GardenOffice Block Threat To Dock LandWe All Love London…Leave It Alone No issue – not even the dock strike, floating of the pound sterling or final approval of

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The Four-Day Week in Three Acts

Introduction Hasn’t enough been said? Haven’t The New York Times and Business Week and The Wall Street Journal and Riva Poor’s direct mail clarion sounded the call sufficiently? Doesn’t the nation know? In the words of a stylist, Some Resist Trend Toward Shorter Work Week.