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Richard Denenberg
Fellowship Year: 1980
Fellowship Title: Alternatives To Courts
Posts: 6
Paul Hendrickson
Fellowship Year: 1980
Fellowship Title: Search For A Seminary: 1955-1979
Posts: 6
Orville Schell
Fellowship Year: 1980
Fellowship Title: The Reliance on Drugs in the U.S. Meat Industry
Posts: 6
Ann Banks
Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Perspectives on the Military Family
Posts: 5
James Magdanz
Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Subsistence Living in a Changing Eskimo Village
Posts: 6
Marc Reisner
Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Analysis of the Federal Government's Water Resources Policies
Posts: 6
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Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Zionist and Islamic Ideas and the Mideast Crisis
Posts: 6
Mel Watkins
Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Black Humor from Stepin Fetchit to Richard Pryor
Posts: 6
Paul Brodeur
Fellowship Year: 1978
Fellowship Title: Radio Frequency and Microwave Radiation
Posts: 7
Wade Greene
Fellowship Year: 1978
Fellowship Title: The Appropriate Technology Movement
Posts: 6
Maggie Scarf
Fellowship Year: 1978
Fellowship Title: Depression Among Women
Posts: 5
William Serrin
Fellowship Year: 1978
Fellowship Title: Farmers, Food and Farming
Posts: 5
John Fleischman
Fellowship Year: 1977
Fellowship Title: The Medium of Print: A Craft Becomes a Computer Function
Posts: 8
Richard Levine
Fellowship Year: 1977
Fellowship Title: The Making of the Television Season
Posts: 6
Moises Sandoval
Fellowship Year: 1977
Fellowship Title: The Latinization of the U.S.
Posts: 5
Philip Weld, Jr
Fellowship Year: 1977
Fellowship Title: Role of Self Care in Health
Posts: 9
Mary Clay Berry
Fellowship Year: 1976
Fellowship Title: How Lobbyists Operate in Washington D.C.
Posts: 9
Penny Lernoux
Fellowship Year: 1976
Fellowship Title: The Revolution in the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America
Posts: 10
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Fellowship Year: 1976
Fellowship Title: U.S.: The Conditions and Attitudes of its People in 1976
Posts: 9
David M. Rorvik
Fellowship Year: 1976
Fellowship Title: Cancer Research
Posts: 8