Category: Industry

The Bethlehem Steel plant in Lackawanna is an industrial corpse, much of its equipment either sold off or scrapped.

City Without a Pulse

LACKAWANNA, N.Y.-It was early November, 1984, but I could already feel the chill of winter in the breeze off Lake Erie as I walked into the 8 a.m. mass at the Queen of All Saints church. The church, which fronts on Ridge Road and extends

United Steelworkers president Lynn Williams and Bethlehem Steel president Donald Trautlein.

Rebuilding Bethlehem Steel

Steve Sinko, a top labor troubleshooter at Bethlehem Steel, was summoned for an emergency assignment on March 26, 1982. About 400 people were demonstrating in front of Martin Tower, headquarters of Bethlehem Steel in Bethlehem, Pa., as the United Steelworkers union protested “excessive salaries” paid

A hot saw cuts finished rolled shapes to customer length Steel plant after delivery from the finishing mill at a Bethlehem.

The Demise of Big Steel

A good way to start understanding the distress of the steel industry is to visit the Moravian Church’s ancient Nisky Hill Cemetery in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Here, on a bluff overlooking the enormous Bethlehem Steel plant beside the Lehigh River, are buried many of the leaders

The physical economy of Boston

Schooled for Failure

Jim Howell peered through the drizzle at the Massachusetts Turnpike, looking for the exit to Route 128. In the back seat of the blue Malibu, John Weiss was explaining how economic conditions in Boston had improved in recent years. If you looked at Boston from

Chellene Koon, 26, and her fellow workers have just completed the night shift at Blacksville #1 Coal Mine near Rivesville, West Virginia.

Faces of the 80s

Photographs and Text By Frank Johnston Women have been working in the coal mines for approximately a decade. Chellene Koon, 26, and her fellow workers have just completed the night shift at Blacksville #1 Coal Mine near Rivesville, West Virginia. Chellene has worked as a