Category: Religion

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Prophets of Change in Latin America
Catholic Bishops Challenge Military

BOGOTA, Colombia — When Pope Paul returned to Rome after a tumultuous welcome in Bogota as the first Papal visitor to Latin America, most journalists figured the story was over. Very few travelled to Medellin in western Colombia, where the Latin American bishops were attending

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The Catholic Church’s Quiet Revolution in Latin America

LOS TEQUES, Venezuela — In the decade since Camilo Torres died in an army ambush in the Colombian Andes, the legend of the guerrilla-priest has gradually faded. Though still revered in some left-wing student circles, Torres no longer inspires the emulation of rebel Latin American

Brother Turner anoints believers for healing

In the Army of the Lord: Serpent-Handlers in West Virginia

“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the

The Youth Council

Talking to the Fellahin

Cairo — Although sixty percent of Egyptians live and work on the land, the thinking of the great mass of fellahin (peasants) seems a mystery to outsiders and educated Egyptian city dwellers as well. Both supporters of the left and the right in Egypt concede

Salah Jaheen

Salah Jaheen: An Egyptian political cartoonist looks at the conflict

CAIRO — When Salah Jaheen, Egypt’s leading political cartoonist, was visiting the United States in 1964, he was invited to the home of a Jewish family in a small town whose name he has forgotten. “The wife brought me a cartoon from an Egyptian magazine