Category: Technology

The cover is adapted from the American Bookmaker, Nov. 1892. Column headings, ads and other illustrations are from the same magazine. Lay-out by John Fleischman.

“The Magic Kingdom of Technology”

The cover is adapted from the American Bookmaker, Nov. 1892. Column headings, ads and other illustrations are from the same magazine.  Lay-out by John Fleischman. ANAHEIM — The elderly gentleman and the respectable lady looked more like chaperones than security guards. Dressed in red blazers

woman working press

The Yellow Springs ‘News’

Yellow Springs is not your average country village and the Yellow Springs News is not your average country weekly. There are about 5,000 people in Yellow Springs but no one seems in any hurry to proclaim the place a town. The people of Yellow Springs

Yellow Springs, Ohio

On a Wednesday afternoon last August. the beast of technology came slouching down Highway 68 through the heart of Yellow Springs, a small college town in southwest Ohio, and carried away a bit of what made Yellow Springs a little different from other places. There

photographs courtesy of the Los Angeles Times

The L.A. Times – Part One

Present Indications and Past Intimations In the small hours of Wednesday, April 20th, a supervisor walked into the Computer Operations room of the Los Angeles Times, carrying a cup of coffee. The supervisor was a very tall man — six foot six and, in the

photographs courtesy of the Los Angeles Times

The L.A. Times – Part Two

Indications and Intimations All photographs courtesy of the Los Angeles Times.   The editor who has teenage children but who doesn’t like to think of himself as a relic of a bygone era had noticed the work going on in the Composing Room. He had