Category: Technology

Apartments and townhouses being constructed next to each other.

The New Towns of Paris: Reorganizing Suburbs

Paris, France   May, 1972 To get to Parly 2, one drives west of Paris and through a short stretch of typical French countryside almost to the edge of the thick forest of Versailles before turning down a road that opens abruptly onto U.S. suburbia.

standing on deck itself, with construction in progress all around it. Shops and community facilities are to be built into empty space on the deck.

Paris: Under Construction

It is not yet in. the guide books, and may never be, except perhaps as a curious bete noire, a grim specter of modern reality rising smack in the middle of the city of everyone’s nostalgia. But it is there, nevertheless, on a level with

An aerial view taken many months ago of the Bellefontaine section of Le Mirail. Its huge concrete pedestrian deck, the dalle, is under construction at top of picture. (SETOMIP photo)

Le Mirail: A Study In Concrete

An aerial view taken many months ago of the Bellefontaine section of Le Mirail. Its huge concrete pedestrian deck, the dalle, is under construction at top of picture. (SETOMIP photo) From inside an automobile circling the first nearly completed section of Le Mirail on the

Lively downtown Tel Aviv at night. (E. Pikovsky Ltd. photo)

Israel’s Second Generation New Towns

For many tourists and resident foreigners, Jerusalem is the place to be in Israel. Among the countless emotional touchstones and historical reminders in and around its ancient walled “old city” are important shrines of three major religions: the excavated western (“wailing”) wall of the Hebrews’

"Pyramid" structure of housing, offices and stores in Beersheva. Note in upper right view, on right side of building, opening to inside arcade. Other views show mall and supermarket appendage on building's other end.

Israel Builds

Tel Aviv, Israel   December, 1971 Under a warm winter sun, Bedouin tribesmen in layered dark flowing robes, with long curved knives dangling from their belts, hurry about their business in the busy streets of the old town of Beersheva, the gateway to the Negev