Category: Health

Western Motel by Edward Hopper

Diana: A Human Mystery

Turning the bend in the corridor, the one just opposite the nurses’ station, I saw Diana seated alone on the small imitation-leather sofa close by the elevators. The light of a winter sun, coming from the windows behind her, spilled over her dark brown hair

Clay Collier and McKinley Shaw examine the tomato crop in Chicago ghetto roof garden.

A Good Death, Wild Dogs and Hydroponic Gardening

John L. McKnight is a friend of Ivan Illich. He collaborated with him on Medical Nemesis, the book that describes the medical establishment as causing sickness. He pronounces Illich’s first name softly -“Eevahn.” John L. McKnight Uldis Saule Ion Photographics McKnight told how his Center

Bette Glassman

A Family Romance

As I walked down the corridor, I checked my watch. It was past ten a.m., which left me no more than half an hour to spend with twenty-two year old Bette Glassman. During this time Bette and I would share, for the most part, the

woman drinking wine

Femininity as Symptom

Is it possible that those personality traits and characteristics associated with “being feminine” are, in themselves, depressogenic? Isn’t it true that the line between “neurotic” dependency and “normally higher” feminine dependency needs is a difficult one to draw? It may be that being “normal” and

mother feeding infant

Birth and the Blues

Laurie Michaelson had heard, vaguely, about a condition called postpartum depression: she wondered, a few times, if this could relate to this strange, numb, unhappy sense of herself that she was presently experiencing. But postpartum depression was, she believed, something that occurred just after the