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Emily MacFarquhar
Fellowship Year: 1998
Fellowship Title: The Rises and Falls of Benazir Bhutto
Posts: 2
Graham MacIndoe
Fellowship Year: 2014
Fellowship Title: The UnAmericans: Detained, Deported and Divided
Co-Fellow: Susan Stellin
Jyoti Madhusoodanan 2023 Journalism Grant Winner
Fellowship Year: 2023
Fellowship Title: Human Experiments: Unblinding Clinical Trials
Posts: 2
James Magdanz
Fellowship Year: 1979
Fellowship Title: Subsistence Living in a Changing Eskimo Village
Posts: 6
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Fellowship Year: 2001
Fellowship Title: Bringing Science to the People
Posts: 1
Josephine Marcotty
Fellowship Year: 2014
Fellowship Title: The American Buffalo
Co-Fellow: David Hage
Posts: 2
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Fellowship Year: 2003
Fellowship Title: Revisiting Roadside and Main Street America
Posts: 1
Mac Margolis
Fellowship Year: 1990
Fellowship Title: The Conquest of the Amazon
Posts: 4
Peter Marin
Fellowship Year: 1991
Fellowship Title: Homelessness and Marginality in America
Posts: 2
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Fellowship Year: 2006
Fellowship Title: Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum
Posts: 1